I can't believe it's already the third week of MwP! This thought prompted me to check what week of pandemic we're on...we're done week 6, going on 7. *sigh*
While in place, for another week, I was feeling pretty burnt out. Someone I love and care for, an immediate family member, was misdiagnosed with COVID, then told they were misdiagnosed, then told they do in fact have COVID-19 again. So it's been a mostly depressive roller coaster of a week. This person that I love and care for, has high risk conditions, and it's been a lot. A lot of depression naps, and a little bit of painting.
One of the pieces I painted was inspired by this image I came across on Facebook with the caption, The strawberry circle of life. I didn't feel too confident in my skill of created the birch or wood-y background that the original had, and I kind of preferred the white background considering how clean I was able to keep this painting. Another thing I take creative liberty with was actually having the phases form a circle, which was satisfying! Something gentle I appreciate about the initial image is the absence of the decomposition/death phase - something I just didn't have the emotional capacity for this week.
I primarily used Beam Paints paintstones in primary colours, and my little Mont Marte discs I picked up at Marshall's for some highlights. And for the linework I used my new best friend, the LePen #4100 technical drawing pen in 0.03 mm. I love Beam's paintstones because their sustainable, natural and Indigenous made. They're comprised of lightfast pigments, tree sap, gum arabic, and Manitoulin honey - which is where the owner Anong lives. Here's a shot of the new supplies I received from Beam Paints this week.
I was excited to start painting with these new supplies, but didn't know what to paint. So I decided to paint some fruits from my fruit and vegetable poster that's hanging across from my making space. The pomegranate in the painting reminded me that I have yet to finish my pomegranate embroidery. So I finished that up, and then participated in an online watercolour workshop facilitated by Jess, at SKETCH.
This hexagon was something I painted during Jess's workshop, using the wet on wet technique. I started to add a scalloped border in the new silver paint I received this week, and it gives me space-y, femme vibes. I think I want to play with hexagons more in the coming week, especially because in multiples they look like honey combs, and that relates to the medium itself - since the paints I'm using are made of (and smell like) honey!
Oh, I also whipped up a little logo for MwP, because we started our research team's Instagram account @makingwithplace. Follow us to see what the MwP research team is working on. That's all for this week!